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Local Commissions

Normal Historic Preservation Commission
Staff Contact: Merci Davison, (309) 454-95903, email: mdavison@normal.org
In an effort to continue to preserve the character of the town's landmarks and historic districts, the Town of Normal Historic Preservation Commission is charged with requiring and reviewing Certificate of Appropriateness applications for construction projects and issuing monies for restoration projects through the Robert G. Bone Grant Program.

Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission
The City of Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose goal is the protection of the city's architectural and historical environment. Seven residents or property owners form the Commission and are appointed by the Mayor. The commission administers the Historic Preservation Program which was created in 1983 by city ordinance. A homeowner of a historic property can seek S-4 zoning by submitting the proper form and fee to the City Clerk. The decision is ultimately made by City Council. Historical property with S-4 zoning requires Historic Preservation review of exterior changes to the structure. Bloomington structures with S-4 zoning are also eligible for grants which somewhat help to offset the cost of maintaining or restoring the historic appearance of the structure. Up to 50% of the project cost to a limit of $2,500.00 can be reimbursed.

State Agencies

Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA)
Preservation Services
#1 Old State Capitol Plaza
Springfield IL 62701-1507
(217) 782-4836
Serves as a clearing house for information, assistance, and programs for preservation and rehabilitation in Illinois and oversees historic preservation within the state. Every state has a State Historic Preservation Officer appointed by the Department of the Interior to hold state preservation records and to coordinate state-wide programs and grants and that officer works out of the state historic preservation office.

Landmarks Illinois
30 N. Michigan Avenue
Suite 2020
Chicago, IL 60602-3402
Telephone (312) 922-1742 Fax (312) 922-8112 E-mail: mail@lpci.org
Landmarks Illinois is the state’s leading voice for historic preservation. The organization has established a variety of programs that continue to facilitate, educate, and promote historic preservation. andmarks Illinois' founding mission was to stop the demolition of significant buildings in downtown Chicago. Landmarks Illinois' mission today is the same, only broader — the scope and geography now embrace architecturally and historically significant archeological sites, structures, and historic districts in all the cities, towns and rural areas of Illinois.

National Trust for Historic Preservation Midwest Office
53 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 350
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 939-5547
Channels the programs of the national organization to Illinois as part of the Midwest region.

Federal Agencies

National Council for Preservation Education
A guide to degree-granting historic preservation programs in the United States. Schools must be members of the National Council for Preservation Education. Internship training programs in conjunction with the National Park Service.

National Register of Historic Places
National Park Service
1201 Eye St., NW (2280)
Washington, DC 20005
This office handles general questions and information about the National Register program. But all applications are initiated in the state in which the property lies. That is, application for Illinois properties begins in Illinois, specifically at the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
The Watergate Office Building
2600 Virginia Avenue
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 588-6000
Advocacy, stewardship, preservation information on America's historic places. Publishes the periodical Preservation. Divides the country into six regions with the Midwest office in Chicago.