"I have so many stories of how this class has impacted people's lives. It is so incredibly rewarding for me as the instructor of this class to hear of these life-changing stories. I've had students who have made significant lifestyle changes regarding nutrition or activity habits because of what they've learned in the course."

- Karen Dennis,
KNR 113 lecturer

BY LISA SHELTON| lcshelt@ilstu.edu | Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2011
No slacking off in KNR online exercise class
Karen Dennis, an intructor in KNR, works at her home a few miles outside of Bloomington to administer her online exercise class at ISU. (Photo by Courtney Cardenas / Staff Photographer)

I staggered to my computer early in the morning on October 6, 2010 to get the exact date and time of my spring class registration. Next, I made an appointment with my academic advisor. They are the perfect point of reference to tell students exactly where they are in terms of being on track for graduation.

When I spoke with my academic advisor she informed me that I had one free elective in my course schedule for the spring of 2011. What would I take? There were literally hundreds of courses that fulfilled my elective credit and interested me. I could explore the possibilities in music, try my hand at art, or take another course in my major to make myself more marketable.

I did none of these. What did I take? Kinesiology and Recreation (KNR) 113 - Personal Fitness online. It turned out to be one of the best classes I have taken at Illinois State.

The very first question I had was how do you take a fitness class online? Could someone seriously slack off in this class and just sleep through three credits toward their graduation. The answer was no. Not when Kinesiology and Recreation Lecturer Karen Dennis is teaching it, anyway.

Dennis uses extensive and detailed assignments to ensure that students are actively participating in the class. Strict deadlines also discipline students who are tempted to blow off online courses. She already knows the excuses students use.

“They perceive lack of time or resources to be their biggest obstacle in maintaining a healthy lifestyle,” Dennis said. “I always challenge that notion, though. Research clearly indicates that physical activity helps decrease stress. When we are less "stressed" we can focus better. When we focus better we study more effectively and efficiently. In a nutshell, exercise is medicine. When we get in a good workout....even though we lose some time studying, generally when we do study we will study more effectively.”

KNR 113 is an in person as well as online class for Personal Fitness. Students enrolled in other sections of the course show up on a regular basis while the online students are on an honor system. Both groups purchase the same materials for class and complete the same amount of coursework. Online students simply workout at their leisure while classroom enrolled students exercise as a group under the supervision of instructors.

Whether students take the face-to-face or online section, Dennis stresses the importance of better life choices.

“I see this course as enriching college students' lives by providing with the tools they need to lead physically active, healthy lives,” Dennis said. “This class provides students with not only knowledge pertaining to physical activity and fitness, but also provides them with knowledge related to nutrition, chronic disease prevention, and stress management. The class is designed to provide not only content knowledge, but also application of that knowledge.

"That way students can really develop a more solid understanding of the content. This is content that students will be able to use every single day of their lives...and multiple times every single day at that. If the student chooses, they can take all they've learned in this class and put it into action for the rest of their lives, helping them to lead healthier overall lives. That's enriching.”

I for one have been enriched in this course. I am making better nutrition choices, having better running endurance and have even lost a little weight.

At the midterm point, I had lost and maintained the loss of 7 pounds. While modest, my body has wavered around losing 1 pound per week. A healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Dennis advises that students should be more concerned with health rather than a number on a scale because in losing fat the body could be gaining muscle mass and other helpful components the body needs and should have.

While students may not see an immediate weight loss change, they have the opportunity to see how their diet and level of fitness is directly impacting their health. In more than one instance, this information has led students to life changing decisions.

“I have so many stories of how this class has impacted people's lives. It is so incredibly rewarding for me as the instructor of this class to hear of these life-changing stories,” Dennis said. I've had students who have made significant lifestyle changes regarding nutrition or activity habits because of what they've learned in the course.”

Students are instructed to participate in at least thirty minutes of moderately physical activity every day. One of the main points of the course is to promote health and wellness versus being thin. So for students who are a bit apprehensive about their level of endurance or their current state of health, there are plenty of courses for beginners.

“KNR has several 100 level classes in the Active For Life activity program that are geared toward educating students on a wide variety of physical activities, health promotion and wellness. They can find out more about these classes by going to http://kinrec.illinoisstate.edu/active,” Dennis said.

Whether students prefer to start modestly or jump in head first, they are encouraged to get involved with the classes KNR has to offer, especially 113.

“I would recommend that all students check into KNR 113 Personal Fitness and consider taking this class,” Dennis said. “There is one fully online section and three face-to-face sections. This class is sure to be enjoyable. If you are looking for just a one hour class, check out the classes in the Active for Life program.”

As one of the students who have seen the benefits of a course like Personal Fitness I would recommend it as well.

“KNR has a lot to offer and there is something for everyone in our program,” Dennis said.