It’s almost like the creation of Twitter was a PR stint, a new way for celebrities to become more annoying and in your face.


BYJEWEL CROWLEY-DIERKS| | Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012
The inescapable lure of celebrity gossip

The last episode in the series “Kourtney and Kim Take New York” aired on E! last Sunday, displaying a whirlwind of events that led to the eventual demise of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries’s marriage. Naturally, I tuned in. After watching the spectacle of their wedding, I had to see how and why this romance fizzled so soon.

It turned out to be the classic case of two idiots thinking they’re in love enough to be married, not actually comprehending what marriage means. Or maybe I’m just crazy, but I think meeting, dating, proposing and getting married is a little too much for one year to handle…or maybe the tabloids were right and this was just a hoax.

Regardless, the real matter at hand here is celebrities and their need to not only publicize everything in the news, but then to take it an extra step further and air it on national television. The episode ended with Kim and Kris going back to Los Angles with a huge, white elephant in the room. Yes, Kris, are you an idiot? You’re wife isn’t happy and wants to end things. The audience knows it, why is Kris the last to know? Instead of breaking up on television, Kim says some things just need to be private, tears running down her perfectly made-up face, leaving the audience thinking, shouldn’t the unraveling of one’s marriage be kept private?

But, I guess we’re just prudes.

I think the word private has lost its meaning entirely. So long is the idea of keeping your business, just your business. That ship has sailed. Now in the year 2012, we are constantly updating our movements and following others through social networking sites. A sane person would think, “Hmm…if I don’t want people to know about something, then I just won’t post about it.” Well I think there aren’t any sane people left in the world, including myself.

Now I’m not the person who constantly updates my Facebook status every hour, but I still “creep” on people all the time, taking in all the stupid things that people post about themselves and others. Celebrities do it too. Not that I’m friends with a celebrity on Facebook, but I always hear what celebrities tweet on Twitter. It’s almost like the creation of Twitter was a PR stint, a new way for celebrities to become more annoying and in your face.

How can people complain that the Information Age is ruining society, when more than half the population is engaging in new technology every day? I think society has turned over a new leaf – neither good nor bad, just different. Gone are the days of privacy and home phone numbers, it seems like cellular phones and Twitter are here to stay.

I don’t know what it is about celebrities’ lives that keep me and millions of others so entranced by their every waking move. Or maybe we just watch them for an escape from our otherwise, stressful and hectic lives, almost like we are living vicariously through every stupid and mundane action that a celebrity does next. It thrills us.

Now although Kim says some things just need to be private, I don’t buy it. I call BS Kim, because now your divorce is going to become televised? Give me a break.

Naturally, I’m totally going to tune in for that E! special.