It took me nearly four years to realize it, but the only genuine place to find the three things college students typically search for is at a student minstry group.


BY ASHLEY SCHRADER| | Posted: Thursday, Febuary 23, 2012
College student finds belonging in unlikely place

Finding a sense of belonging, making a group of friends and experiencing eternal love are typically things college students chase after while at their respective schools. Most college students find belonging, friends and love in loud raging parties or at the bars on the weekend, but are those things temporary or everlasting? I argue that once the last person leaves the party or the bars close at 2 a.m., so does the search for belonging, friends, and love.

It took me nearly four years to realize it, but the only genuine place to find the three things college students typically search for is at a student ministry group.

I first attended Fuel, the student ministry group through Eastview Christian Church in Normal this past summer. I felt an immediate sense of belonging, the presence of friends, and eternal love, but not in a way that was immediate and transparent like attending parties or going to the bars.

Right from the start, I knew Fuel was where I belonged. I was not pushed outside my comfort zone in the least. The worship music was loud and bass pumping, but not in a bar-hopping type of way, and the people were high off the Holy Spirit, but not in a tripping-off-drugs type of way. The students were unbelievably welcoming; they instantly recognized a new face and introduced me to more people than I could count. Just walking into the worship area I sensed an overpowering feeling of love; everyone had a smile on his or her face, and there was literally no anguish lingering in the air.

Of course, my Christian upbringing allowed me to connect much faster to the hundreds of faith-seeking college students than a non-believer. However, I have witnessed non-Christians come to Fuel for the first time, surrender themselves to the Lord, and quickly find the same things I did.

Attending Fuel for the first time was by far the best thing that has ever happened to me at college. I cannot even remember a significant party or time going to the bars that was nearly as meaningful as going to Fuel on Sunday night. Through Fuel, I have found a group I can connect with on surface and deep levels, my best friends, a fabulous boyfriend and God’s eternal and graceful love.

I found exactly what I was searching for since I stepped on Illinois State’s campus four years ago.

Sure, everyone has their own beliefs about God, but finding a group of people who share similar beliefs is a life-changing opportunity that can undoubtedly fulfill the voids college students typically search to fill. I only hope ISU students who are struggling with a sense of belonging, finding a group of friends, and feeling a real sense of love attend their respective student ministry on campus and experience what I have.